There is now overwhelming research supporting the benefits of mindfulness based meditation.
Spending some time each day in stillness has been shown to improve outcomes in many major illnesses and to boost the immune system.
The Feldenkrais Method asks you to be mindful of the sensations in your body as you undertake small gentle movements.
For many people the stresses carried in their bodies can masquerade as stillness, but these are not just tensions, they are frozen movements – uncompleted expressions of our thoughts and feelings
We carry within us patterns of muscular activity, keeping us too busy to truly experience deep healing stillness.
Beginning with some small movements in the sitting lesson, you can begin to melt away some of the tensions find the stable supported place in which to rest.
The breathing lesson begins with attention to the movements of breathing and leads into an experience of stillness.
Lesson 1: Finding support in sitting 36min
Lesson 2: Mindful breathing 30 mins
Jenni Evans is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Trainer, maintaining a diverse private practice. She taught at The Gawler Foundation where she was also a meditation leader.
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